Hubby and I got married almost 9 years ago now, and we’ve always wanted a lot of kids. We initially wanted “as many kids as we could have” haha!
And then over the years, the number moved down to 5-7 , and as we had more children, and they showed us flames, we finally settled on 4, almost 3 years ago.
But, we had made this decision during my third pregnancy. It had been the toughest pregnancy of them all, and my husband had also seen how much I struggled, so he was actually ok with not having birthing another one but maybe adopting, but I still wanted just one more.

Our little Z, with his siblings….look all sweet and innocent haha!
Of course, this was all before the baby arrived and showed me proper flames! Our sweet baby Z was the most challenging baby ever! I remember pacing up and down on one of his episodes at an ungodly hour, thinking “I am never doing this again!”
But after a few months, things started getting better, but I was still a bit scarred, I wasn’t sure whether I did want to have number 4 or not anymore.
As the months progressed, and especially after he turned one, I wrestled with this decision (our kids are all 2 years apart so I was bound to fall pregnant again any time soon haha!).
I mean, anyone who has 3 kids will tell you it’s a handful! Heck, even mommies with one know what a handful these little humans are and how much energy and time and and and they need from you.
So, on the one hand, I was scared of being overwhelmed and not having enough capacity to handle any more kids; and therefore not being the best mom that I could possibly be to all of them.
Yet, on the other hand, I knew I had no real peace about not having another one. I had prepared my heart that we could just have 3 and it was ok. However, I also knew I had a deep fear of regretting that decision years along the line when it was too late.
So, I wrestled…..over and over again.
I know it might not seem like a biggie to you because maybe having a big family is not a dream you’ve had…but to me this was a real wrestle in my heart, because it’s something that’s really valuable to me.
For a while, I think I didn’t even want to pray about it, because I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear whatever answer God had.
But eventually, I started chatting to God about it. And He basically just went straight to address the root of it: FEAR.
The conversations were very short and to the point. I felt like what He said to me was something along the lines “Girl, unjani mara heh? How are you? Like, you really trust me enough to provide financially for however many kids you want to have, but you don’t trust me enough to provide you with the capacity and the grace to be able to handle the amount of kids you want? Isebenza kanjani kanti lento?”

“I’m not understanding…”
In English, haha, I basically felt like God was challenging me on my faith. On the fact that I’ve journeyed with Him, and have gotten to have complete faith in Him when it comes to provision for the big family I want (when in fact that’s what deters most people from having more kids), but yet at the same time, I didn’t have faith that He would give me enough capacity and grace to deal with the same big family I want. So, essentially my faith was compartmentalized…..I had trusted and believed in God in one area of my life, but didn’t have believe and trust the very same God in another area of my life.
After I felt like I was dealt with, I was like “Hayi, kulungile Baba”…lol! , I mean, what other response would you have but “A’ight God”
And then, Hubby and I started having the conversation we’d beeeen postponing for soooo long..…..
He still thought that we should probably adopt and I was for being preggies.
And guess what, by the time we actually had the conversation and decided we were having a fourth (natural or adopted), I was already a few weeks pregnant! Which means it would have been rather awks had we decided otherwise! Like it helps to listen to God sometimes …haha! Ok, almost all the time lol!…I mean always haha!
So….here we are …..a few days before our fourth baby arrives, and we couldn’t be happier!
I’m so grateful for those conversations with God and the freedom they came with, because I realised that this is what I actually wanted deep deep in my heart, but the fear had me settling on a dream I had.
And once I was released from that fear….man, there was just so much joy, freedom and peace!
This is absolutely beautiful,to know and be assured that your dreams are valid and God will always make provision to your hearts desires…
Incredible how this is speaking to my life!!
Thank you Unathi for sharing❤️
You guys are legends! What an honour it is to call you friends, and to watch you blossom as family as you journey with the Lord!! We will not be joining you on Journey to Number 4 though!!! Ha-ha-ha! Love you guys!
It’s beautiful how trusting God always works for our good. Being vulnerable to God with our insecurities and fears… This really speaks of the intimacy of one’s relationship with God and I am encouraged by your braveness and ultimately your GodFidence (lol confidence in God).
I’m inspired to look at my own life and areas I had to settle for less than I was meant to have allowing the spirit of fear to drown me. I’m encouraged to look into that areas and entrust them with God to revive hope and GodFidence in me so that I am liberated to truly live in the abundance of thy kingdom.
Blessings to you and your family Unathi, keep letting your light shine.
Love Lulu.
I just cried… I have 2 kids (1 year gap apart) and having grown up with no siblings I always dreamed of having a big family as well.
Thank you for sharing your heart sis, we are obviously not in the same place financially but we Serve a God that is able to provide exceedingly and abundantly… I have been told by many close to me that kids are expensive 1 or 2 is enough and because I already have a boy and a girl what more do I want. You have just made me feel normal and free… I enjoy pregnancy and I am longing for another one…
Thank you for opening up, I will go and chat with my Father now and hubs… Love love love your family.
What a beautiful post. My husband and I have always wanted a big family too. We’ve been married 5 years and have been blessed with 4 little people who are all under the age of 5.(there is a pair of twins in there!!!) It has its challenges of course, not just financially but emotionally as well! Sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out and other times I’m just so in love. Either way it’s a blessing and kudos to you mom! It’s not an easy journey but so worth it! I can’t wait until everyone is out of diapers and we can sit and havenjoy each other’s personalities. Wonderful post. And congratulations.
Fellow mom of 4 ?
I am having those conversations with God currently, i am still waiting for the answer. I also thinking mostly it’s coming from fear.
bookmarkеd!!, I love your site!
Wow!!! I cannot believe I accidentally bumped onto your IG page drawn to so much kids you have… only because I’m in prayer myself wrestling with whether or not I’m capable of being a good mother to another baby #3.
We have a 14 year old daughter & a 9 year old son and our son who has special needs is why I am so fearful of having more kids.
Your blog is really inspired me & reminded me that indeed God will make provision for us to manage our kids.
I love your conversations with God the most because I’ve had so many over the years but I’ve convinced myself that because I struggle emotionally with my son & feel I could do better.
I know I’m a good mother but I also know I’m not great especially seeing how great you are doing as a mother & so much effort you put into your kids lives I feel no child deserves to be brought on earth & have to settle for substandard care when other Moms a flourishing.
More than anything I understand between my postpartum & our family genetics I’m drowning in fear, so is my husband.
I have not modeled strength & courage as a Mom to him, he’s always known how I’ve struggled with my son and I know he wants the easy good life we’ve build this far….
We’ve just made it to the better half of our family & it feels like anything else will ruin all this… the most unfortunate thing though is that like you I dream of a bigger family years from now & how I’ll regret not having at least 1 more.
I pray for that peace you had when you jumped for number 4, time is not on my side because I’m 35 years.
I want to be able to be strong & confident enough for my husband that we will be okay…
Thank you so much, if this is not my message from God then I don’t know what is ??♀️ this entire month is been about baby #3…
May He bless your lovely home & family with everything you need, may God replenish every area of your lives ??
Girl!! Girl!!! You are just speaking to my heart right now. I feel you tons. I’m there. Still having those short conversations with God. My excuse is I feel like I want to have another one for “selfish” reasons….. my heart wants a little girl… even though I don’t mind any gender God blesses us with.
My hubby keeps bringing up the topic from time to time.
Apologies, may I introduce myself. I’m Ntebogeng Maisela, residing in Polokwane Limpopo and I have two beautiful boys. The first is 3 now and the second is 8 months. So I’m slowly getting out of baby mode.
My hubby comes from a big family (5 siblings), from my side is just me and my sister, so 5 to me is big…. ???!!! So he doesn’t mind having baby no.3!!! I’m still wrestling with that…..
Apologies for going on-&-on-&-on……
When I read this blog, I just related to so much with what you went through.