

Blog, Unplugged

The Story of Our Downgrade

We recently downgraded from our beloved 7seater Jeep to a smaller car šŸš—. Yep! šŸ˜¬ā˜ŗļø CRAZY TIMES! Man, itā€™s been such a crazy year for us (story for another dayā€¦or not). But I love being able to share not just highs but the lows as well, to really normalise the ebb and flow of lifeā€¦ Weā€™re a generation that is…

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It’s Ok To Be Different

Just a reminder, beautiful friends….itā€™s ok to want different things for us and ours.  Itā€™s ok if people donā€™t understand or agree with our decisions or way of life (as long as itā€™s not harming anyone, of course) We donā€™t have to be apologetic to people that donā€™t understand the reason for our choices.  We are ultimately responsible for own…

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Blog, Unplugged

Running My Race…

I fell at gym today! Our workout started with 5 laps around the gymā€¦.I fell on my first oneā€¦ What a stupid, hard fall! The surface was a bit uneven and I wasnā€™t paying attention and I fell so hardā€¦.like, flat on the pavement yā€™all šŸ™†šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø And of course, this was followed by the instructor and fellow gymers congregating around…

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Blog, Unplugged

The Grass is Greener Where It’s Watered

The phrase about ā€œgreener grassā€ has come to communicate that we shouldnā€™t desire what our neighbour has;  but I had a new thought the other day.  So, itā€™s spring and Iā€™m trying to get the garden back up. And you must know that Iā€™m not the greatest at this gardening thing, Iā€™m just really trying cos I believe in it…

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Blog, Unplugged

Thoughts On Gratitude

Itā€™s that time of the year where most of us are making plans for the year, and beyond. Iā€™ve definitely been in that mode for the past few weeks. But. I must say, something about dreaming and planning for the future actually tends to take me away from the present a little. So, Iā€™ve had to intentionally slow myself down…

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Blog, Unplugged, Urban Makoti


I love this image of Shkeila Lanise so much One of the things Iā€™ve come to dislike about living in an urban city like Joburg is that weā€™ve become so westernised that something as natural as breastfeeding is frowned upon. Funny enough, when Iā€™m back in the Eastern Cape, or even in Soweto, I donā€™t think twice about feeding my…

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