Where To Even Begin?
I don’t even know where to begin with this story; but I had shared a bit about how covid and other happenings left our family with some new realities, especially when it comes to our financial well-being, and how we had had to downgrade from our then beautiful, black 7-seater Jeep to a much smaller 5-seater car that was barely able to fit our family (story on this post here).
Wild Times…
It was an interesting time period, with its ups and downs; but I think for me, the mentality I had entered that season with was that of wanting to be content in every season; making the best of whatever we have and maintaining a good, patient & joyful attitude even in the midst of challenges. I shared a bit more of that journey on this IG post.
Look, I can say this was our overall outlook but it honestly did have its frustrating moments, especially when we now became a family of 7. Simple things like not being able to go places together because we couldn’t all fit in our car . Or when we did illegally fit everyone in
, constantly having to be concerned about either being pulled over or just the safety aspects of being in a car with 5 kids ranging from baby to tweens, all stacked on top of each other with no car seats or seatbelts
– wild times
Or even better, having your car not working for a while, whilst living out in a farm in the middle of nowhere, meaning you can’t even get an Uber.
More Than Ok
Listen…really interesting times but we did manage to stay sane (more than just sane, actually) through it all.
And not because we’re amazing people but 1) because we have an amazing Father whose grace and presence is felt even through the valleys; & 2) because we just have an amazing community of people around us who have literally carried our burdens with us (as the apostle encourages us to in Galatians 6:2).
Our church community & friends really carried us, especially in this last season – from financial generosity to encouragement, to meeting of actual practical needs – I dunno how many cars we’ve driven in the past 2-3 years, I’m sure neighbours were starting to wonder what business we’re really in
A Journey of Faith
In all of this, my husband and I were both positive that in due time, the Lord would provide, and in a way that would unmistakably be His hand – as He has so many times in our lives.
And So It Began…
So, fast forward to end of last year/beginning of this year, when our friends (a couple) told us about their other friends (lovely people, whom we barely knew at the time) who were about to sell their 8-seater car because they were moving abroad.
And these dear friends of ours offered to put up the deposit for us .
The family selling their car were happy to sell us their car and offered us a really amazing price for the car – even lower than what they’d been offered at a dealership! And to top it off, they were happy for us to pay them over a few months. (Which was no small thing, because they needed to also buy a car when they got to the other side.) I mean, such generosity for people they hardly knew, right?
(I think this was the instigator of a meaningful family friendship as well – these guys ended up inviting us to their home in another province – which we had to borrow a car to do …)
Back at the ranch, we didn’t really have the funds for this car purchase; but we were going ahead, trusting the Lord & also trying to see what we could do to make this thing happen.
And then eventually, the transaction went in motion, as the family’s emigration date approached – we were busy with exchange of ownership, & details about when instalments would be made, etc
And Then It Happened…
One random day, my husband got a call from the family.
They had received news from where they were moving to, that a family in the church they were going to be at were gifting them their car for their family.
And so, they’d decided that they too would love to gift us with their car instead of selling !!!
And so, they’d decided that they wouldn’t sell their car to us anymore but would also love to gift it to us instead!!!
It’s been 6 months now and I can’t say I remember my exact response when I got these news but even as I’m typing now, I want to shout it from the rooftop!!!!
We have been so blessed beyond what words can express about the generosity of this family, about God providing for our need in such an amazing way
And I just wanted to share this story, as a reminder for myself, as a witness of God’s Kingdom and hopefully as an encouragement to someone out there!
The Lord is still in the business of miracles – His Kingdom is alive and active; in the world and in the hearts of many!!
The Gift That Kept Giving
One of the things that has stood out for me in this story – is the cycle of generosity. I don’t know the story behind how the one family ended up gifting this family with their car – but I can’t help but actually marvel at them deciding to continue with the cycle of gifting because they could’ve kept that blessing for themselves and that would’ve been perfectly fine too.
But even in their place of need, I mean these guys also have 5 young kids that they were moving to a new country and they still had so much they were figuring out along the way – so I can imagine how much they actually needed any form of provision that was coming their way. I should actually ask them one day what was going on
But man, yeah…that was it…the story of how we got gifted a car.
And as I’m typing this, our family is actually on a long roadtrip! With 5 kids, for 5 weeks – which is something that was not even a possibility these past 3 years.
Ah man….super super grateful and I just wanted to share the wonderful news!
If you know anyone else who can do with some good news or encouragement; or just a reminder of the goodness of the Lord….please feel free to share 🙂