Thought #4 (30 Thoughts Before 30)
This morning, I was praying for our family, for our day today. Our 5 year old daughter goes to ballet classes, and I started praying and thinking about her dancing.
I know as parents, we have dreams of what we want our kids to achieve in life, how we want to see them explore and succeed in their gifts and talents. So, I was thinking about her future in dancing, what to pray for specifically, when this thought hit me: our main aim should be to glorify God, and everything else should just be a cherry on top.
My initial thought was to pray for her career in dancing (we think dancing is one of the talents she has, she’d even received a prophetic word as a baby that she’ll be a dancer). So there I was, dreaming for my baby girl, thinking: “Oh God, bless her….let her be an awesome dancer…let her dance to millions of audiences” ……and then I started thinking about why we do the things we do…..the purpose of everything in our lives really…..or rather, what it should be….and I came to the conclusion that everything we do should be to glorify God.
We each have different talents and gifts…..and some people will serve hundreds of thousands, even millions with their gifts, some will serve hundreds. Some maybe only a few, some maybe just one person, who knows?
I think that when we think of our talents, or our children’s talents, we always gravitate towards wanting to see our gifts being enjoyed by millions. We see ourselves or them on world stages, but the truth is that not everyone will get to be on a national or world platform for everyone to see and enjoy their gifts. But even more than that, I think that our primary and main audience should be God.
I think that all that we have should be pursued and used to glorify Him first, our heart should be to use what He has given us to worship Him with it. Our enjoyment, satisfaction and affirmation should come from that…..and then whether or not we get to perform for 5, 50, 5 000 or 5million people should just be the cherry on top
I know our talents are meant to serve other people, but our affirmation and significance should be the same whether we just get to dance in our living room all our lives, or get to dance to an audience of millions. The size of the audience shouldn’t define us…..that’s dangerous. The only audience we should need is God…..everything else should be the cherry on top.