I turned 29 a week or so ago 🙂 Whoop whoop!! And of course, it’s the last year of my 20’s, I did a bit of reflecting, etc. Big “milestone birthdays” can feel a bit like New Years, you know…..you start thinking about your life, what you’ve accomplished, things you want to do, etc.
So my plan was to draw up a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30. There are so many things I’d like to do and that I’ve been meaning to do over the years, and now it’s getting more obvious that I’m not getting any younger :/
I think I feel older than the average 29 year old ‘cos I’ve been married for a whole 6 years and have 3 kids (yes, I count the one in my tummy because he is a person). I really feel ‘grown up’….like, I have grown up people’s problems haha! Like whether I’m feeding the fam enough vegetables, or why someone’s poop is a certain colour lol! Whooo, this life haha!
Anyway, back to my list: I had a number of things in mind, like learn how to swim :$, learn how to ride a bicycle :$ (I know, I know…I’m not looking great right now lol!), cut my hair, learn to play a few songs on piano, and the list went on, etc…….until I got to a point where I was thinking about what this life is really all about…..and not that these things on my list were totally meaningless but I started thinking about what really matters, why I am on this earth and what I’d like to look back and see when this life is all done.
The truth is that I was created by God, and when He created me, He had an idea of what He wanted my life to look like. He knows the unique talents, passions and treasures that He’s placed inside of me. He knows the ability/capacity He’s put in me. He alone knows my “ultimate”. He’s hidden inside of me everything that I need to be successful in this life.
I define success not materially, but as being all that God has called me to be in this life, being a good steward of all He has placed in my hands….meaning that if I were to be a multi-millionaire CEO but, for example, failed to take care of the family that God has entrusted to me, or failed to be a blessing in the community that God has placed me in, I wouldn’t define myself as being successful.
So, if God defines who I am and who I am supposed to be, then my biggest mission in this life is to be so close in relationship with Him that I can get all I need, to be all I need to be.
One of my biggest fears is getting to Heaven and realising that I didn’t even become half the person that God had in mind, or didn’t live half the life He’d intended for me. I don’t know about you but I feel the most alive when I have been reading my bible, praying or just spending time chatting to Him. I come out of these times feeling so purposeful and so full of life….but for some reason, I tend to let these moments get stolen by the busyness of this life…..I get so caught up doing this and that, and going through the motions, that I neglect the most important thing to me: being in close relationship with Him.
I know with all my heart that this is what I need the most in my life, because God really makes me feel so alive, so full of joy, possibility, and just peace and contentment, and dreams, and and….but my decisions don’t always reflect that….I don’t prioritise spending time with Him….but I know that when I do, it’s so awesome….yet somehow, I always allow myself to get distracted.
So, anyway, in all of this, I ended up deciding that there is really only one thing that I really need to do in this life: that is to read my bible everyday. For me, reading the Word is the one thing that helps me to get closer to Him, and is good ground to communicate more with Him, to worship, etc…..and it definitely reminds me of what His Kingdom is all about, because it’s so easy to forget whilst “doing life”
So, my “30 Things To Do Before I Turn 30” looks like this:
1. Read my bible everyday
2. Read my bible everyday
3. Read my bible everyday
4. Read my bible everyday
5. Read my bible everyday
28. Read my bible everyday
29. Read my bible everyday
30. Read my bible everyday
That is so encouraging, we often lose sight of the important things in life. Jesus exhorted us to seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well. You hit the nail on the head right there, a closer commune with God is through how He has revealed Himself to us through His word.
Thanks for that encouragement and refreshing perspective 🙂
On the swimming tip, you got a buddy- halla at your girl 🙂 🙂 hehe
I love this!!! ?
Thanks for this