Glad that my official first post coincides with a family milestone 🙂

I’ve been wanting to start this blog for ages, but you know how it goes.

Anyway, today we celebrated our second born’s first birthday……it was a wonderful day. We got to spend some time with some of the most special people in our lives, our friends.

We’re so blessed to have such an amazing community of people, I mean, we have people whom we know love us dearly……and have gone to the ends of the world for us, from watching our babies when we need time together to coming through for us in financial difficulties to endless chats and laughs, I wouldn’t ask for better friends.

“It takes a village to raise a child”

I’d often heard that saying but only truly realised what it meant when I started having kids. Yes, we are our kids’ major influencers, but there are so many other people who add to who they are, and help shape their lives.

One seemingly small but rather significant example is of something that has now become one of our favourite things to do with Kumi…….racing! (I know, you didn’t expect that hey?) This is something that our dear friend, Zlus taught her and she loves it, we’ll be walking in a mall and she’ll say “Mama, let’s do on your marks” I love it! She’s learnt her table manners from many a dinner at Child Haven, and learnt to sing “I woke up like this” from Keef haha!  Seemingly small things, but you get the idea.

Back to Hubo’s party…….I absolutely enjoy organising parties and such, I look forward to it every time. If we had more money, I’d probably do this more often.  We had it at one of these children’s parties venues, Kinglets and Queenies…..really great venue with jumping castles, trampolines, jungle gyms, tree houses, farm animals and all things that little people enjoy.

I’m a very DIY person (plus we were on a tight budget), so we made the food and put up the decor.  I was trying not to have too much junk food, so for snacks we had some dried fruit (ok, and some kettle cooked chips that are hard to resist) and made some platters with crackers, olives, salami, cocktail viennas, tomatoes and cheese. And for the mains, we had a DIY burger with chicken and beef patties, lots of fillings like cheese, mushrooms, feta, avo, gherkins…..and then a variety of sauces.  Didn’t break the bank and it turned out quite well, I must say……my kinda party 🙂


Ok, I’ll stop here for today haha!
