One of the things I think I’d want for God to play back for me when I get to Heaven is: what the heck happens to all the socks?!?!
Nothing could be more mysterious – and no matter how many pairs I buy and how well I try to take care of them, they always seem to disappear!
Enter kids into the equation and we have eleventy-seven socks missing!
And I’m actually one of those people who will not be found dead wearing mismatched socks, my personality type just doesn’t allow me to haha!….so I really struggle.
It was particularly the frustration with the kids’ missing socks that drove me mad, I was replacing socks all the time….until I had this lightbulb moment!
*drumrolllllll* Are you ready?!?
When I buy socks, firstly, I buy a few pairs.
But secondly and more importantly , I buy lots of the same socks.
And that is my simple Missing Sock Hack!
So, even if 1 or 2 socks go missing, I don’t notice anymore because there’s automatically another same sock to pair up with.
Problem Solved. Matching socks for days. Happy Mama 🙂 Cool, hey?
I know Mamas always have some nifty hacks up their sleeves, so please do share some of your hacks with us in the comments section.