


Dove Self-Esteem Project

I’ve always admired the campaigns that Dove run on self confidence and the likes.  So, I was really excited at the privilege of our family being invited to be a part of Dove’s Self Esteem Project this year!  Self confidence is such a critical thing, and one thing that ends up affecting everything we do, from relationships to work, and…

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Easy & Cheap Ninja Birthday Ideas

If you’re like me and have lost count of how many times you’ve watched the Ninjago movie, you’ll most likely appreciate this post! Our boys are serious ninja fans, and we just celebrated Hubo’s birthday and he asked to have a ninja birthday celebration. Birthdays are big deals in our home! And not in the sense that we spend lots…

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Blog, Raising Royalty, Uncategorized, Urban Makoti

On Child Loss

Everytime the ‘opportunity’ arises to speak about our loss or ‘non-linear’ journey to starting a family, I always find myself conflicted on what to share, how much to share and if people care to hear the story at all. Well, I know people care, but I’ve also learnt that they just prefer not to talk or hear about it, because…

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Blog, Uncategorized, Unplugged


Wow!!! I finally started a blog!! Whoopie!!  Jeepers, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, I’m glad it’s finally under ‘DONE’. So, I hope you can also be encouraged to do something you’ve been wanting to do for a while.  Life is short….well, at least on earth it is.  It’s always tempting to wait for a new…

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