Wow!!! I finally started a blog!! Whoopie!!
Jeepers, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, I’m glad it’s finally under ‘DONE’.
So, I hope you can also be encouraged to do something you’ve been wanting to do for a while. Life is short….well, at least on earth it is. It’s always tempting to wait for a new day, a new week, a new month, or a new year to start with something…….but Just Do It!!
Anyway, this blog is meant to be a space where I can just share my thoughts, experiences, journey….my life really….and how I keep on finding details of God’s love in fine print in every aspect of it…..I call them love letters 🙂
When I was born, my parents decided to name me UThixo Unathi, meaning ‘God is with us’ in Xhosa. I hope I can be a reminder to you that God is indeed with us, always. He continues to be part of this love story called ‘Life’, and sometimes we have to lean just a little bit closer to see the writing on the wall.
So……Stick around. Follow the blog. Share it. Comment. Share your life. Whatever. Let’s do this.