Yep, yep!!! We are at it again! Expecting our 4th sweet bundle 🙂
I’m soooo excited!! Â
Anyone who knows us knows that we’ve always wanted a big family! Our number was initially 5-7 but over the years, we eventually settled on 4, with the possibility of 5 haha!
But our third baby was quite a challenging one, he made me think twice about this #4 business :/.  However, I didn’t have total peace about not having a fourth one at all!  I mean, I absolutely  love the kids we have but you know.  On the one hand, I just had this sense/fear that I would one day regret not having another one and it’d be too late.  On the other hand, I was just scared of being overwhelmed by all these little humans!
But deep down in my heart, I actually just desired having another child, it was just this fear that was stopping me. Â Had to have some chats with God, and I remember one of the things I felt like He was saying was the fact that I have no issues trusting Him with certain things in my life, but why is it that I can’t trust Him with giving me the grace to deal with this desire of mine.
Long story short, God dealt with me…..and we decided we were going ahead with #4, but Bam!….we found out we were expecting just after we made the decision. Â I guess it all worked out then….haha!
So, this is me…….super super excited! Looking forward to the rest of this pregnancy even though it’s just been the toughest so far…..Looking forward to bringing another sweet little bundle into this world, and just nursing, nurturing and raising another little person <3
“Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb a reward.Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.How blessed [happy and fortunate] is the man whose quiver is filled with them;
They will not be ashamed
When they speak with their enemies [in gatherings] at the [city] gate.” Â – Psalm 127: 3-5
This is a profound beautiful blog cc you are sharing with us.a part that make you to be this wonderful super woman you are.When God is in Control everything just florish like you see I your family.thank u for sharing
Thank you so much Nathi!
Thanks. I’m a single mom and I have always thought I’d only have one more child when I get married just to be fair because baby one showed me flames! This is helpful. I have always wanted a big family but I also love my space. Hope one day you’ll share how you deal with the S P A C E factor…I love kids, I love people but I also love my space a lot. P.s. You have a beautiful family.
Ooh, the space factor! My big fear with regards to space was actually marriage! I was so afraid I’d feel like I needed my own space often ? but it actually didn’t feel like that at all…..more like moving in with your best friend:)
With the little ones…didnt really have the space fear…although they grow to literally be everywhere you are ??….but I’ve found it is important to get away and be in your own space every now and again 🙂