
unathi mbonambi

why you have to marry up
Blog, Unplugged, Urban Makoti

Why You Have To Marry Up

Financially, I’m not sure which one, between my husband and I, married up, because we both don’t have money, except for that inheritance lumpsum waiting for me  (lol! I wish); and our families are far far far from balling. Education-wise, I’m also not sure. He went to a high school that cost about R60 000 a year (20+ years ago),…

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no pain no gain challenges growth james 1
Blog, Unplugged, Urban Makoti

No Pain, No Gain!

That’s a term we’ve all probably heard.   I’ve heard it a lot in the fitness circles lately. I remember after I joined gym, one of the fitness guys was showing me around and showing me how the equipment works. And when he was showing me one of the machines, I remember he said something like “When it starts burning,…

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