Today’s results: Life kinda wins :/
I can’t believe we’re this far into the routine, I’m so happy! It’s long overdue…..there’s already been a difference in our lives as hubby and I now get more time to spend together in the evenings…..it’s so worth it ❤️
But alas, today a spanner has been thrown right in my face ….I mean surely there could’ve been a better time for the kids to catch the flu ?.
So tonight, we had to put the routine challenge on hold on Hubo’s side, his nose is blocked so he just kept on waking up frequently so we figured it’d be better to have him close by.
By the way, Kumi’s been making great progress …..Langa put her to sleep, so when I went into her room to give her a goodnight kiss, she told me “I’m sleeping now” ?? excuse me!