
Raising Royalty

alarm clock routine kids
Blog, Raising Royalty

Putting Our Kids On a Routine

So, we’ve never really been a strict routine family……I think I’m actually scared of routines, I feel like they will stifle the life out of me, and make me boring (haha). But honestly I think it’s just my personality, I wanna rebel against anything that is set; the moment someone tells me something must not be done, that gives me…

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Blog, Raising Royalty

On Discipline

One of the things I really enjoy about Langa when it comes to disciplining our young ones is that he is faithfully on my side. My husband and daughter are super close, so whenever I have a ‘discipline encounter’ (lol!) with her (we haven’t quite gotten there with Hubo yet), she’ll run to him for comfort, but he faithfully sends…

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Blog, Raising Royalty, Unplugged

New Shoes :)

Our first son, Hubo, just turned one last week and he’s been learning to walk on his own for the past few weeks. He was gaining ground, but now I bought him shoes, (he’s been in socks all along) his newest challenge is walking in the shoes….it’s literally taken him one step back. Poor baby, wish it was summer and…

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