Today’s Results: Baby wins
Kids: 1, Parents: 0 ?
Today we went out and hung out at one of our favourite spots, it was just a chilled day. Hubo napped around 1pm, Kumi had a brief nap around 3 in the car when we were headed back but we quickly woke her up when we got home (poor thing!).
We gave them dinner at 6pm, and then bathed them afterwards. I did some reading with Kumi, then the tough part: had to tell her it was bed time And she had to sleep in her own bed.
Had the expected tears {shame 🙁 } and trying to get out of her bed, and poor thing kept on asking me to come sleep with her, but I’d firmly tell her she needs to sleep in her bed, and then kiss her and tell her I’d keep on checking on her…..did that a few times until she fell asleep…..it took her about 30 minutes.
Hubo, on the other hand, is going to be the more difficult one, as far as I can tell ?.
After putting Kumi down, I breastfed him and he fell asleep. I put him down around 7:30pm. He woke up around 9pm, had some milk but only went back to bed again after I breastfed him.
Woke up twice around 11pm, same story. 1am, same story. 2am, same story. ?.
Woke up to him crying hysterically at some other ungodly hour, and I couldn’t take it…..I just took him to bed with us ?, and he slept until morning ?.